Best Indoor Plants For Air Quality
Its leave is unique like a sword and has a fragrant aroma. Researchers from the University of Washington altered the pothos ivy plant to successfully remove benzene and chloroform from the air. Best Air Cleaning Plants Garden365 Bamboo is a treat to have in any home and its not surprising that it also happens to be a powerhouse plant for air purification. Best indoor plants for air quality . Its best to water bamboo once a week. This variety Frankie has pink and green leaves while others have white and green or green and red foliage. Snake plants are also known as Mother laws tongue. The scientists used a protein named cytochrome P450 2 E1 a substance that can be found in the liver of mammals that can help break down and excrete benzene and chloroform from the body. The snake plant is suitable to put in the bathroom and living room because can absorb harmful substances. Commonly called nerve plants fittonias are low-maintenance houseplants that filter toluene benzene and t...