Puppy Mill Article
Together we can take a stand against puppy mills. Theres a reason the retail pet industry doesnt show you where its puppies come from. Every Dog Lover Should Read This An Inside Look Into The Dark Walls Of Puppy Mills One Green Planet There is no uniformly accepted definition of puppy mill but one that encompasses the central features common to most definitions would be any breeding facility in which puppies are produced primarily for profit and which keeps so many dogs that the physical and psychological needs of the breeding dogs and puppies are not met sufficiently to provide a reasonably decent quality of life for all of the animals. Puppy mill article . The goal is to produce and sell as many puppies as possible without any thought to the welfare of the animals. In puppy mills dogs live in small cages often in the minimum legal size allowed only six inches larger than the dog on all sides and female dogs are bred as frequently as possible. It is estimated that there are at lea...