Yellow Jacket Ground Nest
The Southern Yellowjacket Vespula squamosa has both aerial and terrestrial nests. The Western Yellowjacket Vespula pensylvanica and Eastern Yellow Jackets Vespula maculifrons make their nests in the ground. Ask An Expert Extension Their sting is incredibly painful and if enough sting you or you are allergic the effect can be. Yellow jacket ground nest . This means you may come too close for comfort when mowing your lawn. After getting the nest home and torn apart I fed it to. Over 1500 wasps inside. The key to deterring yellow jackets is getting rid of them before they form large numbers that require a call to an exterminator. Keeping Yellow Jackets Away. Underground the nest is made up of several tiers of combs all enclosed by a papery covering. If it comes out of the ground its usually a yellow jacket or a bumble bee. HUGE Yellow Jacket Ground Nest dug out of the ground and fed to my animals. The best time for killing yellow jackets is at night when they are lea...