Certifying A Therapy Dog
It was a difficult test. If a dog does not enjoy human contact particularly with strangers it is unlikely to adjust well to therapy dog training. Offcial Esa Registration Esa Service Animal Registry While there is no letter needed especially for therapy dogs many therapy dog owners will also choose to get their canine certified as an emotional support animal or service dog. Certifying a therapy dog . Any breed of dog can be used for therapeutic purposes so long as it fits these requirements. A dog must be certified by one of these organizations to be eligible to receive the AKC Therapy Dog title. This generally ranges from 30 to 50 per year. In addition to this most agencies will require that you pay a fee to certify your dog as a therapy dog which will provide you with a membership that you will need to renew annually. Therapy Dog Record of Visits Form you may use the AKC form or one of your own or Certificate or wallet card from a certifying organization indicating the d...