Facts About Carbohydrates
There are two types of carbohydrates sugars and starches which your body breaks down into a simple form of sugar called glucose. Grains are a source of carbohydrates in the diet. Low Carb Diet Facts Infographic Template Learn more about carbohydrates in this article. Facts about carbohydrates . Interactive Nutrition Facts Label. Read more about the grains group and learn why it is important to make half of your grains whole. Carbohydrates are biomolecules composed of carbon oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Carbohydrates are made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen and can be divided into four different types including monosaccharides disaccharides oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. In the field of biology and chemistry carbohydrates are one of the organic molecules which are mostly composed of carbon oxygen and hydrogen elements. The body uses this. Carbohydrates are a component of food that supplies energy to the body. Carbohydrates are compounds that are found in livi...