Iodine Natural Sources
And when it comes to different types of seaweed you will get more bang for your buck by consuming dried seaweed which is more concentrated. Iodine is a mineral that is found primarily in seafood and sea vegetables along with other food items. Iodine Functions Food Sources Deficiency And Toxicity Iodine is most bioavailable and highest in daily value in seaweeds like kelp nori kombu and wakame. Iodine natural sources . Some of the most common sources of iodine include fish such as tuna or cod shrimp dairy products and iodized salt. For example 1-cup of milk contains 59 to 112-percent of the daily amount of iodine needed and 1-cup of yogurt contains about half the daily recommended amount. Like all crops however the exact content depends on the specific food and where it came from. Other common sources are typically high in iodine because they were grown in iodine-rich soil fed fish in their diet ie chickens and eggs or fortified ie grains. Plus its a vegan source of iodine....