Is Quinoa Acidic Or Alkaline
Any pH reading below 70 is considered acidic with 10 being the highest acidity level. Fruits vegetables nuts and legumes. Acid Alkaline Food Chart With 12 Perfect Foods A pH below 70 is acidic. Is quinoa acidic or alkaline . Conversely any pH reading above 70 is considered basic or alkaline with 140 as the highest level of alkalinity or basicity. The following food chart is part of the Acid-Alkaline Diet. Natural fat starch and sugar. After further research we found various websites that suggest that Qinoa is a LOW alkaline food and compare them. A pH of 70 is neutral. Below or above this range means symptoms and disease. Even the leaves can be used on salads or cooked like spinach. This does not apply to the unfermented versions however and soy sauce tofu are OK to consume as part of your 20 mildly acid foods. Its powerful as a source of protein and other important nutrients. An acidic pH can occur from an acid forming diet emotional stress toxic overloa...